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Jovanka Novakovic | Chicago Real Estate Agent in Lincoln Park
2350 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL 606
Jovanka Novakovic
Chicago Real Estate Agent
Chicago Real Estate
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Thank you Jayne for choosing Chicago Women's Health Center!
Thank you Jayne for choosing Chicago Women's Health Center! My real estate clients buy, sell or rent a home in Chicago, then I as their rea
Donation to Alzheimer’s Association
My real estate clients buy, sell or rent a home. Then I as their Chicago real estate agent donate 5% of my net fee to a local charity
Real Estate Purchase Generates Donations
When my real estate clients buy, sell or rent a home in Chicago, I as their real estate agent, donate 5% of my net fee to a local charity.
Donation Alert to My Block My Hood My City!!
When my real estate clients buy, sell or rent a home in Chicago, I as their real estate agent, donate 5% of my net fee to a local charity.
Chicago Real Estate Agent Blog
Keep up with the latest home sales, open houses, real estate news and happenings in Lincoln Park and around Chicago!
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