My real estate clients buy, sell or rent a home in Chicago, then I as their real estate agent donate 5% of my net fee to a local charity or non-profit organization to give back and help improve the local communities we all live in. My clients choose the charity or non-profit. Louis and Nancy K.'s choice for the donation was Connections for Abused Women and their Children.

Connections for Abused Women and their Children (CAWC) focuses on rebuilding lives, renewing hope and empowering adults and their children with the skills they need to live a life that is free of fear and move forward on their healing journey. Intimate partner abuse is seeing a sharp increase since the COVID-19 pandemic started, and the need for intervention is greater than ever.
Please consider making a donation to support their valuable work:
#CAWC #enddomesticviolence #domesticviolence #wearpurple #empowerment #socialchange #compasscares #dogood #giveback #chicago #chicagocommunity #charity #chicagononprofit #chicagocharity #nonprofit #agentsofcompass #compasscares #compasschicago #davidwiencekrealestate #davidwiencekresidential #iamjovanka #jovankarealestate #jovankarealtor